Too much of anything can ruin the effect. Like pushes. Use this feature wisely. Avoid sending pushes too often or including too much text. You want your recipients to read your pushes and then take the next step.

Updates and news from the Business Glu team and community.
Too much of anything can ruin the effect. Like pushes. Use this feature wisely. Avoid sending pushes too often or including too much text. You want your recipients to read your pushes and then take the next step.
Times have certainly changed, especially in the workplace. Bosses are now managing remote teams and need to make changes to become better bosses in this virtual world of ours.
Often times virtual team members feel alone and far away from the boardroom. Use these tips to motivate your team so that they feel connected, important, and appreciated.
Business Glu makes sending out team pushes easy to do. Even so, consider these best and worst practices when sending out relevant messages to team members.
Trainers and those they are training have only 24 hours in a day. Knowing one’s team and the training content helps with the decision of whether the training should be synchronous or not and how that impacts the trainer and the trained.
Some leaders use social media and find that it doesn’t meet their goals for training and communicating with their virtual team. Business Glu, a custom app, is a much better solution.
By scheduling the messages you send to your team, you can plan ahead, write the pushes, and then set up the process to publish them when you wish.
Leaders and teams are switching to Business Glu, a leading-edge mobile and web app, for three main reasons: training, accountability, and communication.
By creating a well-thought-out video, you can train your virtual team effectively and efficiently. Use these tips to make your videos informative and useful.
In order for your team to succeed, accountability must be woven in to Tasks, Expectation, Appreciation, and Measurement for both individuals and for the team itself.
Take full advantage of the training modules you’ve created by having access to all of them. Organizing your materials will make it so you can find what you need with a moment’s notice.
Instead of composing common messages, you can save them instead as templates and then edit them as needed. Use push templates to save time, stay organized, and share inspiration.
With a remote team, you often need to train on the go. This article provides tips and techniques using the letters “on the go” to improve virtual training sessions.
Journalists often use the 5W approach when researching a topic. In order to explore the nature of push notifications, this blog answers those journalistic 5Ws + H – who-what-where-when-why plus how.
Virtual communication equals success when you consider the plusses and the minuses to figure out the best way to do it.
Managing a virtual team has its challenges, but creating a productive remote team has even more. Help your team run your business with these tips.
A blog isn’t just a blog. It can be a gift, a laugh, a lesson, or a story. Writing interesting copy can be just the means to attract new customers.
Running your business from your phone takes real smarts. You can do it all from your smartphone, staying connected with your team and your clients.
Leaders who manage a virtual team need to focus on availability, accountability, and reliability to make changes to their leadership style. What changes do you need to make?
All teams need leaders to motivate, communicate, and train them. Virtual teams, however, also need the element of accountability to truly succeed.
You can boost your business with push notifications sent from your phone to the phones of your team and customers.
It doesn’t take much to get someone’s attention right away. Push notifications to their phones will do the trick. Learn now.
No need for a fancy studio and expensive cameras to create your team training videos. These tips will help you make your virtual training more effective.
Sid Peddinti learned the hard way about successful businesses. Lawyer, entrepreneur, and Tedx speaker has a mission: to share his knowledge with millions of entrepreneurs and business owners.
Blogs can boost your business if you maximize the various elements of search engine optimization. By adding new copy to your website routinely, more people will find your website.
A random act of kindness can boost anyone’s day. When a company reaches out to its customers in the same way, that might boost spirits and business.
The pandemic has caused sweeping changes within every industry we have from aerospace to the Worldwide web. Companies worldwide have scrambled to stay afloat by rearranging people, procedures, and budgets. So, what can be done to make ends meet?
Push notifications keep you in touch with your customers, your team, or your audience. Boost your business by sending out a push.
Motivate your remote team during this pandemic. By using the tools of technology we currently have, you can keep teams together and moving forward.
A remote team needs efficient and effective training just as much or even more than a team working at the same location. By definition, a team needs to work together, combining their efforts to reach a goal. That refers to any team - from a sales team to a...
Marketing = Content. Content = Marketing. Either way you turn the phrase, whichever words and graphics you use in your marketing campaigns become your marketing campaign. Not only must you be strong in your marketing content, but you must also be content with how you are marketing.
t’s challenging enough to measure performance of team members when you work face-to-face with them. How must performance metrics be adjusted to assess how remote team members are doing? Let’s take a look at how that can be done from afar.
Retaining any training is a key element to performing your best. Sometimes it’s a challenge to remember the details. So, how can we retain the details of training and put what we’ve learned to good use?
More and more businesses have team members who are working elsewhere. Several things can be done to keep remote workers engaged and connected.
Digital advertising allows us to contact others with push notifications, subtle messages sent to their phones. Those “nudges” are gentle reminders to potential or current customers about something important.
How can you use Facebook Ads to find your target market? Facebook Business has a way to target ads to those who would be interested in your product or service. Let’s see how Facebook Ads can reach leads from three different audiences.
You may need to move your team training to your own private space. Why? Because where you conduct team training makes a big difference. For the most effective venue, you want to avoid distractions and interruptions. In the middle of a live training broadcast in a social media group, your team may struggle to stay focused.
Using video to market your business is your best bet for boosting your business. A video campaign may be the reason why a lead becomes a customer. This blog looks at some of the main reasons why video is a powerful approach to marketing.
Facebook has been repurposed. Instead of helping users find relevant content, Facebook has changed its focus to connecting people for meaningful social interactions. What does that mean for multilevel marketing?
You want no distractions during team training, so your folks can soak in all they must learn. That’s why it doesn’t make good sense to use a Facebook group to post your training videos and materials.
Suddenly Facebook accounts can disappear and with it all of your team training. Here are five reasons why Facebook is a terrible way to train your team.
Find out more about creating your team training app. Unlimited training and push notifications with no cost to your team. Business grows with Business Glu.
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Tucson, AZ 85715