In order for your team to succeed, accountability must be woven in to Tasks, Expectation, Appreciation, and Measurement for both individuals and for the team itself.
The Glu Drip
Updates and news from the Business Glu team and community.
Organize Your Training So You Can Find Your Stuff!
Take full advantage of the training modules you’ve created by having access to all of them. Organizing your materials will make it so you can find what you need with a moment’s notice.
Push Templates Pull in your Team
Instead of composing common messages, you can save them instead as templates and then edit them as needed. Use push templates to save time, stay organized, and share inspiration.
Train on the Go: Keep Your Remote Team in the Know
With a remote team, you often need to train on the go. This article provides tips and techniques using the letters “on the go” to improve virtual training sessions.
Learn about Pushes Using the 5W’s of Journalism
Journalists often use the 5W approach when researching a topic. In order to explore the nature of push notifications, this blog answers those journalistic 5Ws + H – who-what-where-when-why plus how.
Virtual Communication for Business: What’s the Best Way to Do It?
Virtual communication equals success when you consider the plusses and the minuses to figure out the best way to do it.
A Productive Virtual Team: Even When They Are There and You Are Not
Managing a virtual team has its challenges, but creating a productive remote team has even more. Help your team run your business with these tips.
When Is a Blog Not a Blog?
A blog isn’t just a blog. It can be a gift, a laugh, a lesson, or a story. Writing interesting copy can be just the means to attract new customers.
Help Your Team
Find out more about creating your team training app. Unlimited training and push notifications with no cost to your team. Business grows with Business Glu.
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Tucson, AZ 85715