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Motivating Your Team During This Pandemic

by | May 20, 2020 | Motivation, Teamwork

Motivating your team is an essential part of managing it.  Because of the pandemic, teams have suddenly begun working remotely.   Face-to-face encounters that were once taken for granted are currently not part of the business as usual.

Some of your team members may be struggling with all of this.  Quarantine and loneliness often take the spirit and spunk out of people.  What are some tips and techniques for motivating your team that you can use during this pandemic to keep your business moving forward?

Virtually Speaking

Teams no longer meet face-to-face in a conference room. Casual chat doesn’t take place in the break room near the elevator.  Going to lunch to discuss something further is far from today’s reality.  Thankfully, with today’s technology, we can see and hear each other using video–but is it really the same?

For some, it is not.  Working from home does not suit everyone, and others miss the lack of casual water-cooler conversation when away from the office. Take advantage of video conferencing in creative and clever ways. Perhaps set up a coffee chat so that team members can log in at a specific time to catch up with others.  Before the start of virtual meetings, ask an ice-breaker question to get people talking and responding. Enjoy online games and exercise together if there’s interest.  Motivating your team can encourage them to work together remotely just as efficiently and effectively as they did when working in the same location.

Taking Full Advantage

Ten years ago, many companies believed that more of their employees would be telecommuting.  Little did they know that we would be facing a virus that would almost require an immediate switch to telecommuting.  It is what it is, so strive to believe that there are advantages to this.  Your team will be encouraged and motivated by your positive and upbeat perspective.

Some are pleased with what they’ve discovered.  No long commutes.  No dress requirements.  Working in an environment they create.  Drinking a much more reasonably priced cup of coffee.  Encourage your team members to share their perspectives at meetings about the benefits they’ve realized.  Many will indicate that they can work without distractions when they work alone in a home office.  Motivating your team may just take encouraging them to look at the positive side to flip a dark attitude.

Reaching Out

Should you find some of your team members appearing sour during online discussions, perhaps being argumentative or increasingly critical, this would be a good time to reach out individually.  During a phone call, ask open-ended questions to understand better what you can do to motivate them more. Just know that every little thing you do might make the difference.

Sometimes a team member might be struggling with some other aspect of this pandemic.  Perhaps a close friend or relative has been exposed to the virus.  Maybe he or she is dealing with the disappointment of a son or daughter not being able to graduate face-to-face with his or her class.  Or it could be that the team member is dealing with the depression of a spouse and all that goes along with that.  You might want to form a bond by sharing your own experiences and concerns. Motivating your team members may be as simple as encouraging them with a private chat.

Keeping the Team Together

During this time, it’s even more important to keep in close touch with those on your team.  We’ve developed a tool that will help you do just that.  Business Glu provides a platform you can use not only to communicate with your remote team and your audience, but also to train them.

With the Business Glu mobile app, you can check on the progress of your team or followers and gain accountability.  By keeping in touch with each team member, you will motivate them to keep moving forward despite the circumstances.  Reflect on what financial coach Tony Neumeyer reminds his clients:  “You add value to people when you value them.”  Encourage those on your team. Plus, keep your team together–with Business Glu.

Help Your Team

Find out more about creating your team training app. Unlimited training and push notifications with no cost to your team. Business grows with Business Glu.

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